Wednesday 6 May 2015

Great Jehovah(music)

When I worship, I get revived. I see no other reason for my creation than to worship God and serve Him. It is always a wonderful experience to 'WORSHIP' The Greatest and Most Splendour  Being who is worthy of praise. This is just illustration, His glory is unimaginable. Join me to praise Him with my song below Titled GREAT JEHOVAH
Listen now to this song

Titled: Great Jehovah

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also give me your comment. 

Don't be Afraid(music)

Fear is a torment! But you need not be afraid if You have Almighty God. The Alpha and Omega,
The Father of all spirits.

In Isaiah 44 vs 8; God said: Fear ye not, neither be afraid:
like this lady here: Listen to this song of Courage
Tilted: Don't be Afraid 


Remember to share it with your friends and family and also give your comments.

I pity you Covetous(music)

In addition to what you see above, I think Covetous person cannot go free even if the Judges of the Earth justified him/her over their Victims because of their Position, Possession and Influence. I said there is one True Judge of the Universe who will bring the Covetous to Judgment. 

Below is what I FEEL and KNOW about THEM(COVETOUS). 
Listen to my song below:
Tilted: I Pity U

The Situation in Christendom(music)

Obviously, many Churches/Christians are sleeping, and the painful part is that many of this 'sleepers' don't know they have slept off and are sleeping. Jesus said "watch" for you know not when the time is. Watch and pray. Gospel of Mark 13 vs 33

What are we watching? As Christian/Child of God, we know we are not of the world as Christ said in Jn 17 vs 14. Looking at the Situation of the World, by signs we know the coming of Christ is very much around. Child of God you must watch and 'pray' to remain in faith in tribulation time like now. Many have fall out (the prophecy of the Bible; "before the end comes, they will be fallen away").

Are you watching the time? It is Injurious Time. Hear what Stephen Light said about THE SITUATION in the CHRISTIANDOM in his music below:

Listen to this Track now
Tilted: The Situation

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Injurious Time (music-ALBUM)

As Gospel artiste, channeling my song lyrics to what time is and the Bible stand on timely facts, is always my watch point as to be able to communicate to my listeners for understanding.

We wait to meet The master, The Messiah, The Saviour. At this time as we wait, many bible prophecies are fulfilling in our very eyes but because of distraction by numerous human desire
pursuit. So many Christians are unconscious of redeeming the time.

This song is  reminder to the Christians all over the world of the soon coming of The Master and also a sound of warning to the careless unbelievers.
Listen to this Track now
Tilted: The Righteous will O'comer