Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Situation in Christendom(music)

Obviously, many Churches/Christians are sleeping, and the painful part is that many of this 'sleepers' don't know they have slept off and are sleeping. Jesus said "watch" for you know not when the time is. Watch and pray. Gospel of Mark 13 vs 33

What are we watching? As Christian/Child of God, we know we are not of the world as Christ said in Jn 17 vs 14. Looking at the Situation of the World, by signs we know the coming of Christ is very much around. Child of God you must watch and 'pray' to remain in faith in tribulation time like now. Many have fall out (the prophecy of the Bible; "before the end comes, they will be fallen away").

Are you watching the time? It is Injurious Time. Hear what Stephen Light said about THE SITUATION in the CHRISTIANDOM in his music below:

Listen to this Track now
Tilted: The Situation

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